For Writers
Workbooks, Planners, Resources, How-to, and more!
We all have the curse of a story that yearns to be written, but where to start and how can be frightening.
The Writer's Bane is a curse and passion, both a want and need to tell a story. In this volume, discover what it means to step off the cliff of writing for fun and as a hobby, and taking that fall into the darkness we call “professional” or even “commercial” writing intended to be marketed, published, and sold to readers. Join me as I share my passion for writing and storytelling and how my own knowledge and experience can aid you with your own author journey.
Whether you need help with character development, worldbuilding, and making that plot turn in the direction you need it to go, there's a little something in here for everyone. Note, this is NOT a replacement or guide for those wanting a book for grammar and composition. This book focuses on the craft of storytelling and how to get yourself acquainted as an author.
This volume covers many topics of research including:
Anatomy of a Manuscript
Accountability and Goal Setting
Word Count – What does it mean!
Formatting from the start for success at the finish line
Types of writers
Resources for you Journey
Developing a Writing Style
Common mistakes and pitfalls
Character development
Genres, tropes, and story beats
Types of plots and plotting
Foreshadowing classification and usage
How to choose an editor
And so much more!

We all have the curse of a story that yearns to be created.
The Writer's Bane is a curse and passion, both a want and need to tell a story. In this volume, you will learn the importance for prepping a book (picture books, middle grade, and young adult fiction) for layout as well as laying it out in a way that appeals to your readers. Book design has advanced; with the aid of new software, print-on-demand, and eBooks, accessibility for authors of all levels has gotten easier. Discover your options and get ready to make a checklist! This volume covers many topics of research including:
- Glossary & terms
- Anatomy of book interior
- Software & Program Options for Digital Typesetting
- What CMS formatting means
- Industry standards & reader expectations
- Prepping text for format
- Picking the right trim size
- Formatting for print and/or eBook
- Do’s and Don’ts for formatting
- Step-by-step formatting guides
- Layout recommendations
- Storyboarding for Picture books
- File preparation for vendors
- How genre and audience change formatting
We all have the curse of a story that yearns to be written.
The Writer's Bane is a curse and passion, both a want and need to tell a story. In this volume, discover ways to use research to help creates and enrich your characters, world, and plot. Join me as I share my passion for research for creating my work and how it can aid you with your own. Whether you need help with character development, worldbuilding, and making that plot turn in the direction you need it to go, there's a little something in here for everyone.
This volume covers many topics of research including:
How to keep organized
Types of research
Resources to consider
Breaking down how to use it for:
Characters World Plot
Several activity sheets
Countless examples from the author's own work and existing work
- What to do with leftover research to benefit your author journey
Writing Prompts from her "Fact Inspiring Fiction" workshop
Articles from author's own leftovers for real life examples