The Oracle: Real or Myth?
Oracles have been some of the most mesmerizing characters in roleplaying games like Dungeons & Dragons, in books who foretell events within
The Oracle: Real or Myth?
Advent Calendar of Winter Mythos Day 5: Krampus, Christmas Devil, or Santa Clause's...
Advent Calendar of Winter Mythos Day 4: Pooka of Kildare, Phooka, Púca puca
Advent Calendar of Winter Mythos Day 3: Ullr, Ullin, or Ull
Advent Calendar of Winter Mythos Day 2: Yuki-Onna
Advent Calendar of Winter Mythos Day 1: Cailleach Bheur
Celtic Apollo Versus Greek Apollo
Ognjena Marija: “Fiery Mary,” Serbian Folk Religion, and the Powers Prevailing Over the