Yesterday, on behalf of Orlando Nanowrimo at the South Trail location for OCLS I had the honor to introduce and inform writers what this “Nanowrimo” thing in November means. I had a great group and it was fun tackling the questions many still had after the presentation. Per my promise, here are links to the PowerPoint I used both in PDF and PPS format via DropBox:
Within this PowerPoint, those who were not there for my workshop, you will find a great run through covering:
What is Nanowrimo and the goals involved
50k in 30 days
1,667 words per day on average
Mission Statement
Reasons You might be joining as well as reasons you should be joining
Accomplish goal
Developing a Routine
How on earth can one write 50k in 30 days
Focus on first draft
Plotter vs Pantser
Join events locally and online
Things You Might Want to know
Self Doubt & Lack of Mojo can and will happen
Don’t Delete anything you’ve written – you never know…
Local Workshops & events
Orlando Nano
Writer’s Atelier
Write-in to Attend
Writer’s Atelier
Central Florida Inklings
Important Nanowrimo Links & Resources
Orlando Nano Twitter and Facebook
ML’s Brad Shreffler ( mrshreffler ) & Alli Martin ( Selfwinding )
Writer’s Atelier
Valerie Willis Info ( Valerie_Willis )
Links That May Help Within My Blog Site
Remember, you can sign up for NANOWRIMO event for FREE here at the main site:

Orlando Region Link on the Site is:
And as I stated at the event, gaining access to the Nanowrimo Forums is well worth getting involved, along with the ability to network and create a stable writing habit:
Other Groups in Orlando Area to Check Out
OCLS Writer’s Corner:
Writer’s Atelier:
Writer’s Atelier Online Community:
Writers of Central Florida & Thereabouts:
Maitland Writers:
The S.A.F.E.! Words! Poetry! Slam!:
Central Florida Inklings: